Terms & Conditions
Registration Purpose: All attendees of Strategy Networks events are asked to complete specific registrations outlining their own and their organisations activities for the purpose of creating an event as appropriate for them and their peers as possible.
Disclaimer: Attendees of Strategy Networks events agree to hold the Organiser harmless for any injury or death that may occur at the event. The Organiser is not responsible for the behaviour of attendees at the event, and is also not accountable for any costs, damages and/or expenses connected with the attendee’s transportation to/from the event or anything relating to accommodations third party services in connection with the Event. Organiser may eject, cancel or postpone any attendees place at an event who is not behaving appropriately on the run up to or during the event. The Organisers reserve the right to withdraw an attendee’s place if their seniority does not meet the event criteria.
Cancellation and Substitution: Participation in a Strategy Networks event is hereby approved for FREE for the named attendee only. In the instance where a registered attendee of a Strategy Networks event is unable to join the event, we would ask that a mutually agreed suitable substitute attendee is provided of equal or higher seniority. If such a substitution is not provided, and the cancellation is notified at least 25 working days prior to the event start date, the registered attendee will be required to complete up to 3 remote meetings with event sponsors (10 mins per meeting). If the attendee is unable to fulfil their meetings a charge will be levied to cover the costs of attendance and accommodation (subsidised to £265).
Event Contribution and Meetings: By registering for a place at a Strategy Networks event attendees agree to actively participate in the full event engagement model. The success and value of the event is driven by participants actively engaging with the content and sessions. Some of these sessions involve interaction with solution provider sponsors. By registering for the event you are agreeing to attend the full event and participate in all activities. This includes pre-scheduled meetings with some of the sponsors. Failure to participate in line with the above may result in an attendee’s expulsion from the event and withdrawal of event pass/accommodation.
Remote Meetings: Sponsors and partners of Strategy Network events often want to speak to the market about their products before the event to help with their messaging, this is an opportunity for you to provide feedback on the most relevant solutions that will help shape the offerings at the event. You will be able to select from a diverse range of solution providers and each of the video calls will last 10 minutes. By registering for a Strategy Networks event you are agreeing to participate in these remote meetings at the quantity outlined in the registration form (max 3 meetings).
Alteration, Postponement or Cancellation of Event: The Organiser is not responsible for any loss or damage as a result of an alteration, postponement or cancellation of an event or your attendance, and shall assume no responsibility whatsoever in the event this is due to a fortuitous event, Act of God, unanticipated incidence or any other event that renders running of the event impracticable or unfeasible. For purposes of this clause, a fortuitous event shall include, but not be limited to: war, fire, extreme weather, labour strike or other emergency. The organiser will endeavour to adhere to the listed event programme but we reserve the right to alter the package (i.e. locality, time, date, events etc.), if judged essential and in the best interest of the event. In the event that the event is postponed, upon any basis, including but not limited to Force Majeure we will inform attendees immediately and give them the option to transfer their registration to the alternative date. If hotel accommodation is fully booked the organisers reserve the right to allocate a suitable nearby hotel for the delegate when part of their event place, all attendance is subject to acceptance.
Data: The organiser may share part of or full data that you have submitted through your web registration with selected sponsors and partners of the event for profiling and contact purposes. These sponsors may contact you by telephone, text or email until you withdraw your consent. By agreeing to these terms and conditions you give consent to be contacted in this manner. The data you provide may also be used for the purposes of marketing the event you have registered for or future events. The data you entered will not be used by any third party or sold and will only be held for use by ahmedia and our event sponsors. The information you provide will be published through the Forum LINK app and the LaunchPad platform which every event attendee receives access prior to and at the event - this data is for networking and future collaboration purposes. Should you wish for your data to be withheld please email us on [email protected]. Photos & Videos taken at the event may be used for internal or external marketing purposes and by attending the event you acknowledge that you may appear on web/ video/ media content.